Kong Charles og prins William afviste prins Harrys bøn?

King Charles and Prince William have reportedly snubbed Prince Harry’s plea apparently made in exchange for attending the coronation in May.

The Mirror had reported that before the Duke of Sussex considers flying to Britain for historic coronation, he wants to speak with his father and brother Prince William to clear the air.

The report further says it is believed that Prince Harry has not had any contact with Charles or William since the release of his bombshell memoir Spare.

Now, according to a report by Daily Beast, Prince Harry’s request is apparently ignored as the monarch is more focused on his big day.

The source told the publication that King Charles “simply won’t have the time” to hash things out with Harry.

And of course, William is not interested in apologizing because that brotherly relationship is far more fractured than Charles and Harry’s bond, the source further said.

Kongefamilien deler King Charles-billeder fra Milton Keynes, da han møder protest

Kong Charles har delt sit første opslag på sociale medier, efter at monarken stødte på en gruppe anti-monarki-aktivister, mens han var på tur i byen Milton Keynes nord for London.

Buckingham Palace delte på vegne af kongen Charles billeder fra besøget og tweetede, “Byen Milton Keynes.

“Kongen i dag sluttede sig til lokalsamfundet, da Milton Keynes officielt fejrede sin bystatus.”

Tidligere holdt en gruppe demonstranter karakteristiske gule plakater op med beskeden “Not my king”, og sluttede sig til en folkemængde, der viftede med Union Jack-flag.

Demonstrationen var organiseret af “Republic”, en gruppe, der opfordrede til en ende på monarkiet og et valgt statsoverhoved i Storbritannien.
