Michelle Obama dishes out details about 30 years union with Barack Obama

Michelle Obama has recently explained how her 30-year-plus marriage to Barack Obama works on the final episode of The Light Podcast.

While speaking to interviewer Oprah Winfrey, the former first lady opened up about her marriage struggles with two different personalities living under one roof.

“Barack wants to talk rationally, and I’m like ‘rational?’” said the 59-year-old.

Michelle stated, “I am more hot-headed than the Barack.”

“Don’t come to me with sense — I’m angry! Don’t come to me with your three bullet points — you better get out of here and let me cool down!” explained the author of Becoming.

Michelle disclosed that her and her husband’s personality differences also mattered when they express themselves.

“Because his family lived far away and travelled a lot, he had to learn to love at a distance,” she mentioned.

Michelle noted, “And that means there are more words said, more love exchanged, more physical, you know, ‘I love yous’.”

The author also pointed out, “I grew up with everybody within eight blocks of each other, all my aunts and uncles and great uncles and cousins.”

“So, we were with each other, every weekend, twice a weekend. So, it was like, ‘Bye.’ I don’t have to tell you I love you because I’m going to see you Saturday,” confessed Michelle.

The Light We Carry author also added that love, to her, means “showing up and, also, doing the laundry”.

In the end, Michelle realised that marriage is a work in progress.

“I believe more of us have to be honest about the work that it takes to build a life with another person,” she concluded.


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