King Charles ‘failed the UK’ in meeting with Joe Biden: ‘Had too much competitiveness’

King Charles is being bashed for putting the Royal Family’s inner competitiveness out into the public

<a href="" title="<a href="">Meghan MarkleKing Charles has just been called out for showcasing too much internal competitiveness, that lives within palace walls, during Joe Biden’s visit to the UK.

Allegations relating to Biden’s visit have been shared by Daniela Elser.

According to a report by au she claimed, “If the Prince of Wales had joined his father, the president and all those finance chaps inside the Green Dining Room, it would have been a real show of a royal united front.”

“Here we would have seen both the king and the next king jointly committed to trying to prevent the sea levels rising such that Highgrove becomes waterfront property.”

It would have “really burnished” the idea of the British monarchy pulling all their weight in the same direction and would not be associated with “insecurities, egos and competing royal households.”

But “Seeing Charles riding solo only served as a bit of a reminder of the competitiveness that has historically bedevilled The Firm.”

At the end of the day “this was a real missed opportunity to show that things had changed, a PR win that was easily within their grasp,” she also added before signing off. 


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