US Mail

Early marriages – a serious issue

Dear Editor,

Child marriage is a grave issue afflicting our society. Pakistan, as a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, defines a child as anyone under the age of 18, yet, no action is taken to curb this practice, as it is deeply ingrained in our traditions. Poverty and lack of awareness, limited access to education also are some reasons why Pakistan ranks sixth globally as the state where most girls are married before the age of 18. Early marriages contribute to overpopulation, health risks for child brides and increase infant mortality rate.

According to UNICEF, Pakistan has nearly 19 million child brides, with approximately 4.6 million married before the age of 15. To address this issue, the government must take bold and decisive action against child marriage, ensuring that every child has the right to make their life decisions.

Mahzila Khurshaid, Turbat


Dear Ed,

The cover story Think pink by Sameen Amer, in the issue of 27 October, addressed an issue which is largely being ignored by young people. The reason is simple; the youth think they are invincible, but the facts and figures have made it clear that the incidence of cancer, especially breast cancer, is on the rise in young people. Most awareness campaigns about this disease start and end in October, although the need is to make educational institutions educate their high school students. Government should take steps to provide affordable screening to people who live in villages. Public service messages, especially as cell phone ring tones are a step in the right direction, but not enough. Government should ‘do more’.

A concerned doctor


Lubna Khalid


Sameen Amer

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Word count for one page is 550-650; for two pages, 1000-1100; for three pages, 1500-1700


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