Meghan Markle follows in the footsteps of King Charles to reclaim popularity

Since then, several royal experts and commentators have been urging Harry and Meghan to stop 'moaning

Meghan Markle is reportedly planning to revive her career by launching her theatre or performing arts centre for underprivileged children, just like King Charles’ The Prince’s Trust. 

In conversation with The Mirror, PR expert Laura Perkes shared in detail about the Duchess of Sussex’s possible plans for this year. 

The expert believes that Meghan “could even launch her own theatre or performing arts centre and work with underprivileged and disadvantaged children, in a similar vein to what King Charles created with The Princes Trust.”

Speaking of her expected move, Laura shared that the former Suits actress’ “would further extend the values and ethos of Archewell, whilst also acting as an olive branch to The Royal Family.”

The PR expert added that Meghan might prefer to make a major comeback in Hollywood as a director. Laura also shared that the Duchess may produce another podcast or relaunch her famous lifestyle blog, The Tig. 

It is pertinent to mention that 2023 proved to be a difficult year for Prince Harry and his wife.

From financial struggles to career mishaps, the California-based couple struggled to make a positive impact on their audience.

Since then, several royal experts and commentators have been urging Harry and Meghan to stop ‘moaning’ against the royal family and bring some notable work to the table. 


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